수업일: 2020. 4. 5(일)
필요한 교재: 맞춤 한국어 2
-If you don't have a textbook, please download the files that I attached. I uploaded all the pages that you need to study for today's lesson.
In this lesson, we will learn about places.( 장소)
Goal : You can answer various locations.
You can use the particle 에 in the sentence.
1. Listen to the CD (track 5,6), finish the whole lesson including Korean culture page.
2. I will introduce the Particle "에" ; location nouns + 에
The Particle 에 is used to indicate destination (in this lesson) for directional verbs such as 가다, 오다.
* The particles in Korean have no meaning itself. The particles explain about the nouns that are attached to. In this case, ~에 tells you the location.
ex) 집 "에" 가다.
한국"에" 오다.
3. Circle or highlight all the particle "에" on page 23.
hint: There are 4 에s
4. Make a dialogue about going to your favorite location with your 가족, record the conversation or write down a dialogue in the notebook and share with me. Practice the conversation with your family.
엄마: 데이빗은 어디에 가요?
데이빗: 수영장에 가요.
* Homework(숙제) : Think about your favorite places to go. Make a long list of your favorite places in your notebook(수학 일기장). Take a picture of your notebook and share with me.
한국의 4월 5일은 식목일이예요. 식목일은 나무를 아끼고 잘 가꾸도록 권장한 날이예요.
April 5th is Korean Arbor day. On Arbor day, Korean people are encouraged to plant a tree and take a good care of it.
Let's celebrate Korean Arbor day by planting a tree or a plant in your garden!
식목일 특집, 창의 동화 링크 올려요. 아이들과 같이 보세요