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[Adult Class] Week 5

안녕하세요! 잘 지내요?

The weather is getting warmer and it was nice to get a car wash over the weekend :) hopefully it stays warm!

I just sent out the feedback for the recording homework. If I missed anyone's, please let me know! Everyone did a very very good job. For those who were not here on Sunday, I'm attaching the powerpoint file I used. We learned how to count in native korean way, (하나, 둘, 셋, etc) and counting units like 살 (age), 개(object) that you can use with! We will do much more practice together so don't worry even if you didn't come to class.

This week's homework is to pick a Korean song that you like, and record the lyrics (3-4 sentences) of it! You can find Korean lyrics online but if you're unsure about it, or need further clarification in pronunciation, if you let me know the name of song, I will record some parts for you. You do not necessarily need to sing while recording this homework :p

This is the video for Korean Folk Dance to Arirang that you learned during the class shortly. There are many videos out there. Check it out!

Any questions, please let me know!

See you on Sunday


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