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[초등 2반] 제14주 수업 - Distance learning

수업일: 2020. 4. 26(일)

제6과 불고기를 좋아해요.

필요한 교재: 맞춤 한국어 2 , 대한민국 5대 상징물을 찾아라!

You will need two textbooks for today's lesson. I attached all the pages of the lesson for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will learn about Korean food and the vocabulary , 좋아해요, 싫어해요

Goal : 1. You can name Korean Holiday food.

2. You know Korean National Flower(무궁화)

1. Listen to the CD (track 12,13) and finish the whole lesson including Korean culture page.

2. Since today's lesson is very similar to the prior lesson 5, I would like to focus more on specific food, Korean Holiday Food.

I attached some pictures of Korean traditional holiday food. Talk about them with your parents.


정월 대보름-오곡밥





Can you name all those Korean Food?

* 숙제 homework* - write down the question and answer in your notebook and share with me.

Q. What is your favorite Korean holiday food?

A. I like ______.

Q: 제일 좋아하는 명절 음식은 무엇이예요?

A: 저는/나는 ________(을/를) 좋아해요.

4. Move on to the book " 대한민국 5대 상징물을 찾아라!'

Please finish the following pages 13-15

In this lesson, you will learn about Korean National Flower: 무궁화

I attached 3 videos about 무궁화.

The last video is one of famous Korean children's traditional games : 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.


Announcement - From next week, we will read a Korean folktale story together. I am thinking what would be the best way to read together now. More info will be shared next week! :)

I attached this Quizlet link here. This week's Quizlet study will be for next week. We will read "The Three Little Pigs", " 아기 돼지 삼형제." Please go over , study some words. It will help to understand 아기 돼지 삼형제 story.

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